Portable Photoshop CS4
Photoshop is a bitmap-based editing software [pixel]. Photoshop is an image editor software made by Adobe Systems which is devoted to editing photos / drawings and manufacturing effects. Widely used by photographers and advertising companies, and favored by all people who devoted a photo or photo editing effects. Can we make it a mainstay for editing photos and other things especially for creativity, berimaginasi in a work.
Photoshop CS4 is a revised version of previous versions, ie version 7, 8, 9 (CS2), 9 (CS3). Photoshop has the ability to read and write image that has raster and vector formats, like. Png,. Jpeg,. Gif, and others. Photoshop file format is. PSD.
To obtain this software, of course, we must grope our pockets to spend a little dollar. But why should we be confused, if we want a 100% free, we can look on the internet and download them. This time I offer a version of Photoshop CS4 Portable. Its simplicity is can we carry it everywhere (save in hard drive / flash), can be directly opened without having to install it first. Also a smaller file capacity is approximately only 64 Mb. For those who do not yet have soon have versions of Photoshop CS4 Portable By downloading the link at the bottom of this:
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