September 14, 2011

MyFantasyMaker 5.0

Would you like to appear on the same photograph your idols or some famous fashion? Because you can do with MyFantasyMaker which carried out this fantasy (at least photographically speaking), allowing insert your face (or anyone) in other photographs in a very realistic and professional.

Once you have inserted the face of a series of tools so you can enlarge, reduce, extend, rotate, flip side, move, apply filters to change shades (as well as adjust color, brightness and contrast), etc.., To fit better in the end photography and apenas se note that it is a montage.Of course the more you use the program and have more expertise and skill using it better be such assemblies (initially cost a bit to make everything fit well).

MyFantasyMaker works with the most popular graphics formats (JPEG, GIF, BMP, RIF, PNG, etc.).


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